Organizational Material—Rules & Duties of Officers
Rules of the Order of the Avalokiteshwara, Assembly of Man. (9 pages)
n.d |
Organizational Material—The Meaning of Avalokiteshvara
Instructions regarding the Assembly of Man, Order of Avalokiteshvara (1 page)
n.d. |
Organizational Material—Initiation Materials
Various materials used for the initiation of new members into the Assembly of Man. (33 pages)
n.d. |
Organizational Material—“For Those Who Have Gone Part Way And Are Still Seeking”
This pamphlet describes the core beliefs of The Assembly of Man, its purpose, and it activities. (11 pages)
1936+ |
Organizations & Group Work—Assembly of Man
Bylaws for the Assembly of Man, which until this date had operated without a set of bylaws; this was likely a step in having the group recognized as a non-profit organization. (4 pages)
7 January 1966 |
Educational Material—The Arcane School (Sangha Jnana)
A statement of the purpose of this school by Yogagñani. (2 pages)
n.d. |
Educational Material—“Are You Teaching Hindu Philosophy?”
Yogagñani answers this question, and states that the Rama Sangha is a chapter of The Assembly of Man. (1 page)
n.d. |
Educational Material—Sherifa's opening words for a degree of priesthood class in Chicago
These remarks include some questions from the class, and are followed by “Senior coming in”—that is, Sherifa’s channeling of the entity known as “Senior,” who directs the class to “Kneel before Yogi.” These remarks were apparently preliminary to a lecture by Wolff on the group soul and the concept of spirit descending into matter. (4 pages)
8 May 1936 |
Educational Material—Reports on Subject-Object Consciousness
A list of students in a class, with a brief description of their reports on subject-object consciousness; grades were assigned to each student. (2 pages)
c. 1937 |
Educational Material—Weekly reports from a student
An example of one student’s work toward the degree of priesthood; also included here is a letter from this student regarding subsequent classwork. (27 pages)
1951; 1965 |
Educational Material—Public Series: Lessons in the Guardian of the Chalice Series (39 of 70 Papers)
Lessons for the First Order of Priesthood (213 pages)
n.d. |
Educational Material—Public Series: Lessons in the Guardian of the Flame Series (38 of 70 Papers)
Lessons for the First Order of Priesthood. (264 pages)
n.d. |
Educational Material—Public Series: Lessons in the Guardian of the Threshold Series (38 of 70 Papers)
Lessons for the First Order of Priesthood. (110 pages)
n.d. |
Educational Material—Youth Section (45 of 53 papers)
Lessons for young adults. (331 pages)
n.d. |
Educational Material—Children’s Section (39 of 115 papers)
Set of lessons for children by Sherifa and others. (119 pages)
n.d. |
Meeting Material—Brochure for the Rama Sangha Study Class: Chicago Center of the Rama Sangha in America
The topic of this class was Wolff’s book on yoga, which he wrote under the penname, Yogagñani; it is titled Yoga: Its Problems, Its Purpose, Its Technique. (2 copies @ 1 page)
c. 1931 |
Meeting Material—Instructions for Services
The collected rules for the operation of the Order of Avalokiteshvara, the Assembly of Man. (123 pages)
n.d. |
Meeting Materials—Meeting Programs
A program for Sunday evening services of the Philo Theo Sophia chapter of the Assembly of Man in Hollywood; the program includes prayers, chants and announcements. (2 copies @ 4 pages)
n.d. |
Meeting Material—Chants, Songs, Anthems, and Invocations
This material was used for services held by the Assembly of Man. (41 pages)
n.d. |
Meeting Material—Children’s Section
A letter from Sherifa to the teachers of the children's sections of the Rama Sangha. (2 pages)
n.d. |
Convention Material—Invitation to Mt. Whitney Summer School and Camp & 1931 Rama Sangha Convention
Brochure for 1931 summer camp and announcement of 1931 Convention Week. (4 pages)
1931 |
Convention Material—Programs for 1931 & 1932 Conventions
1931 Convention prgraom (3 pages); 1932 Convention program (1 page)
August 9, 1931; August 7 , 1932 |
Convention Material—Convention Messages
Sherifa's convention messages for 1937, 1938, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1947, and 1948. (73 pages)
1937-1948 |
Convention Material—Program for 1966 Convention
Pamphlet (one double-sided sheet) with convention schedule and program for Sunday Sacred Service.
August 12 -15, 1966 |
Convention Material—1968 Convention
The only material from this year’s Convention is some poetry written and read by Lillian Reid; the first poem is titled, “Communion”; the second, “The Western Gate Stands Ajar.”
3 August 1968 |
Convention Material—Invitation to 1972 Convention
This invitation to the “Convention of the Assembly of Man and Friends of the Wisdom Religion” was sent by Gertrude to those interested in that year's Convention. (1 page)
Summer 1972 |
Table of Contents for the Bulletin of the Assembly of Man and The Seeker
A table of contents for the complete runs of both of these periodicals. (8 pages)
2011 |
Publications—Assembly of Man Bulletin Nos. 1- 30
This is the complete run of this periodical, which was published from June 1960 - January 1967. (513 pages)
June 1960 - January 1967 |
Publications—The Seeker Nos. 1- 3
This is the complete run of this periodical, which was published from May 1967 - Summer 1968. (61 pages)
May 1967 - Summer 1968 |
Map of the Assembly of Man Ranch
In 1943, Wolff and a few other members of the Assembly of Man purchased a 430-acre ranch near Lone Pine, Calif. The purchase of this property provided the group with easier access to the Ashrama, and the ranch was primarily used as a base for their summer activities. The group also “planned to make the ranch a place where members can retire, where they can live, say, upon their Social Security, and ultimately make that our prime center of activity.” In the early 1960s, Wolff and his second wife, Gertrude, permanently moved to the ranch, where they built a new home.
The file here contains a map of the property circa the 1970s, indicating the location of Wolff’s home and that of various students who had moved there. The “Guest House” is the original ranch house located on the property.
ca. 1970s |