Photographs from the Wolff Archive dated 1983 Photos from 1983 1983-July 11 A Birthday Surprise 1983-July 11 FMW's Birthday Bash 1 1983-July 11 FMW's Birthday Bash 2 Dianne Harrison, Chelsea Hoskyns, and a very delighted Franklin 1983-Aug Ashrama roof, Dutch the Carpenter 1983-Aug FMW home, Michele LeMothe, Dianne Harrison, Joel Morwood 1983-Sept Whitney Portal, FMW, Dianne Harrison 1983-Sept Whitney Portal, FMW, John Flinn 1983-Oct Santa Barbara, Dianne Harrison, John Flinn 1983-Oct Monterey CA FMW, his nieces, Ann & Barbara, John Flinn 1983-Oct Monterey, FMW, Ann, Barbara, John Flinn 1983-Oct Monterey, Franklin's niece, Ann 1983-Oct Monterey, John Flinn, Andrea Pucci, FMW's nieces 1983-Sept Stanford 1 1983-Sept Stanford 2 1983-Sept Stanford 3 1983-Sept Stanford 4 1983-Sept Stanford 5 1983-Sept Stanford 6 1983-Sept Stanford, George Heaton 1983-Oct The Lost Coast 1983-Oct Redwoods FMW 1 1983-Oct Redwoods FMW 2 1983-Oct Redwoods FMW 3 1983-Oct Redwoods, Andrea Pucci, John Flinn 1983-Oct Redwoods, FMW, Andrea Pucci, John Flinn 1983-Oct Redwoods, FMW, Dianne Harrison, John Flinn 1983-Oct Redwoods, FMW, Dianne Harrison 1983-Oct Redwoods, FMW, John Flinn 1983-Oct Redwoods, FMW, Susan Garfield 1983-Oct Roseville, FMW, the Raty Family 1983-Oct Tahoe Riverboat Ride 1 1983-Oct Tahoe Riverboat Ride 2 1983-Oct Tahoe Riverboat Ride 3 1983-Oct Tahoe Riverboat Ride 4 1983-Oct Tahoe Riverboat Ride 5 1983-Oct Horseshoe Meadows picnic, FMW, John Flinn 1983-Oct Horsehoe Meadows picnic, FMW, John Flinn, Andrea Pucci 1983 In front of the television 1983 Watching television with Russell 1983 FMW, Gene & John repairing the generator