Concerning Dr. Carl G. Jung: Part 2

Recording Location
Lone Pine, Calif.
Recording Date
24 May 1975
Recording Information

Franklin Merrell-Wolff continues his critique of Jung’s lack of mathematical aptitude and suggests that the perspective provided by the “theoretical” approach to knowledge may open a door to the Transcendent that is not opened by the empirical approach. He submits that the notion of synchronicity gives us a conceptual symbol of how we may acquire knowledge of the Divine, and he affirms that this knowledge is realized by awakening a third function of consciousness that he calls “introception.” He goes on to discuss the difference between aesthetic and noetic yoga, and the difference between the orientations to reality and truth. Next he describes the nature of “mass ideation” and the process of its conceptual transcription. Shifting subjects, he elaborates on Jung’s discussion of the numinous and relates his own imperience of the Current.

Recording Duration
53 min
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