Is Metaphysical Knowledge Possible?

Recording Location
Lone Pine, Calif.
Recording Date
16 June 1975
Recording Information

Franklin Merrell-Wolff observes that his life has been dedicated to three central questions: (1) Is metaphysical knowledge possible?, (2) If so, how is it known?, and (3) If the answer to the first two questions is positive, to what extent may this knowledge be communicated? He affirms that he has found answers to these questions, and that the yogic search required is justified given that positive answers to the questions of God, immortality, and freedom may be realized. Next, he presents a brief outline of the history of Western philosophy that culminates in the understanding that metaphysical knowledge is not possible by means of perceptual cognition and conceptual cognition alone. Wolff maintains, however, that a third type of cognition, which he calls “introceptual” cognition, can open the door to metaphysical knowledge and he describes the cognitive, affective, and conative aspects of this type of cognition upon the relative consciousness. He goes on to elaborate the nature of the “transcendental function” by which one may sense the Presence of a supernal Other that relates to one as a kind of Companion. He describes the noncompetitive conditions under which the transcendental function best operates, and concludes by denouncing the principle of “adversaryism” and hatred while proclaiming the need to enthrone the principle of delight and love as the guiding force in all we think and do.

Recording Duration
53 min
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