Franklin Merrell-Wolff continues this series by offering a critique of the relationship between the mundane psychological order and the supermundane metaphysical order. He gives particular attention to an analysis of whether there is an external reality corresponding to the perceptual experience of our mundane psychical imagos and to the numinous imperience of our royal psychical imagos. Wolff goes on to discuss four positions taken in regard to this metaphysical question: solipsism, medical materialism, the universal illusionism of Shankara, and the universal realism of Aurobindo. He emphasizes that the supreme value is to be found within the transcendental component and encourages us to seek its Realization. Next, Wolff discusses the pejorative point of view taken by the medical materialist and the “nothing-but” psychologist, both of whom consider the value of religious experience to be determined by and nothing-but the physical and psychical states of the individual. He continues by addressing the question of how to judge the content of religious experience and suggests the figure of the caterpillar and the butterfly to represent what happens to an individual when he experiences the mystic or yogic breakthrough. He also suggests the figure of the horseshoe magnet to make a distinction between the psychology of the “earth” and the psychology of the “sky.” He again acknowledges that psychological problems of adjustment may need to be resolved for those making the ascent from the earth consciousness to the sky consciousness, but maintains that these problems can be resolved if not improperly handled by the ordinary psychologist. Wolff calls attention to the vow of Kwan-Yin and the Great Renunciation of the nirvanic Realization in order to help those still bound by earth consciousness, and concludes by stating that for those who have established their foundation in the sky, the image of consciousness rising as islands out of a sea of unconsciousness would no longer be valid; a better image would be that of relative earth consciousness nourished by the descending rain of superconscient Consciousness.
Recording Location
Lone Pine, Calif.
Recording Date
? November 1977
Recording Information
Recording Duration
77 min
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