Recording Location
Lone Pine, Calif.
Recording Date
2 June 1980
Recording Information
In this recording, Franklin Merrell-Wolff and Rao Garabedian discuss the general question of the relationship between the psyches of man and woman. They start by considering two questions posed by Wolff: (1) Was there a natural disaster in the fifteenth century B.C. that destroyed a matriarchal society in the Aegean? and (2) Did this society influence the development of European (and more generally, Western) culture? Their discussion touches on the existence of matriarchal societies, women in mathematics, bhakti yoga, and Wolff’s need for an anima connection to produce his work. Wolff concludes with a statement that he views feminine and masculine psyches as of “equal modulus”—that is, as equivalent in a complementary sense.
Recording Duration
84 min
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